2013 Ford F150 Twin Turbo Repairs

Kevin just completed repairs to the drivers side Turbo. The coolant lines and fittings were leaking under pressure. This of course happened after the water pump (external pump) was replaced for a bad bearing and seal. So for access to the Turbo’s, most notably the drivers side, the entire Cab needed to be lifted off the chassis. As evidence in our shop pictures, it is doable and safe…but not at home,  and not without the proper equipment and skills.

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Planes , Trains and Automobiles. Fly Planes, Ride Trains, and Work-On & Drive Automobiles. I've been working on things mechanical...and cars, since I could hold my first crescent wrench. Schooled in Automotive Repairs, and trained as a Machinery Technician in the United States Coast Guard. If it has movement, gears, electrical power, and/or fluid, I can probably fix it...but not watches. Married to Annette for 37 (+) years, with 3 (grown) children, 4 grandchildren, and 3 grand-dogs.